At Columbia River Law we help people who have been injured in a car accident.

There are three primary pieces to an Oregon personal injury case: 1) PROPERTY, 2) PIP (Personal Injury Protection), and 3) the PERSONAL INJURY claim against the party who caused your accident.

1) PROPERTY: In most cases you can handle the property claim yourself. If any of this does not work, please do not hesitate to contact me to help you.

2) PIP (Personal Injury Protection): Every driver in Oregon is required as part of their basic insurance coverage to carry PIP or “Personal Injury Protection.” This allows you to get the medical care you need. Your provider will collect reimbursement of expenses from the insurance company of the driver that hit you (in most cases).

3) PERSONAL INJURY CLAIM: The PERSONAL INJURY claim is against the insurance company of the driver who caused the accident. This is where I come in. The purpose of a PERSONAL INJURY claim is to reimburse you for actual damages, such as medical costs, as well as non-economic damages, such as pain and suffering, and the hassle factor of someone causing you harm.